Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal (WoS)

Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal (WoS)

Publisher: Indonesian Journal Publisher
Country: Indonesia
ISSN (online): 2776-0979
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Amandus Jong Tallo
Direction: In all directions
Magazine Description: Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal (WoS) is an international scholarly peer reviewed multidisciplinary Journal. Web of Scientist is a double blind peer reviewed scientific journal which publishes monthly. Authors are requested to submit their original research in the areas of science and technology to WoS.
Indexed by: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, neliti, One search, Open DOAR, OpenAire, BASE, Zenodo, CiteFactor, DRJI, PKP Index, One Repo, ResearchBib, WorldCat, IFSIJ, J-Gate

  • General requirements for the design of articles sent to the journal:

    The minimum article size is 5 pages;
    File format: Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx);
    A4 sheet format;
    Sheet parameters: margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm; font: Times New Roman, 14 pt; justified alignment; line spacing - 1.5; red line indent 1.25; the title line is centered in lowercase letters, after the title there is a gap - 1 line
    Title of the article in English.
    Above the title in the center - information about the author (s): full name, country, city, university (in full), e-mail.
    The structure of the article:

    Abstract (at least 10 lines, font size 12) - in English.
    Keywords (7 - 9) - in English.
    Introduction (minimum 1 page)
    Literature review
    Main content
    Also, the author can add a review, recommendations and discussions, etc. to the article.
    After publication, the electronic version of the collection will be sent to the addresses.

  •   Tel: +998 66 231 08 19     

      E-mail: info@academicstandard.uz    

      Web: www.academicstandard.uz