Innovative Technologica:  Methodical Research Journal (IT)

Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research Journal (IT)

Publisher: Indonesian Journal Publisher
Country: Indonesia
ISSN (online): 2776-0987
Editor-in-chief: Dr. S.Y.Wahab
Direction: In all directions
Magazine Description: Innovative Technologica:  Methodical Research Journal (IT) is a montly double blind peer reviewed international journal of science and technological advancements. The journal ensure the quality of the articles with the strict double blind peer review with the plagiarism check at all stages from submission till publication.

Indexed by: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, neliti, One search, Open DOAR, OpenAire, BASE, Zenodo, CiteFactor, DRJI, PKP Index, One Repo, ResearchBib, WorldCat, IFSIJ, J-Gate

  • General requirements for the design of articles sent to the journal:

    The minimum article size is 5 pages;
    File format: Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx);
    A4 sheet format;
    Sheet parameters: margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm; font: Times New Roman, 14 pt; justified alignment; line spacing - 1.5; red line indent 1.25; the title line is centered in lowercase letters, after the title there is a gap - 1 line
    Title of the article in English.
    Above the title in the center - information about the author (s): full name, country, city, university (in full), e-mail.
    The structure of the article:

    Abstract (at least 10 lines, font size 12) - in English.
    Keywords (7 - 9) - in English.
    Introduction (minimum 1 page)
    Literature review
    Main content
    Also, the author can add a review, recommendations and discussions, etc. to the article.
    After publication, the electronic version of the collection will be sent to the addresses.

  •   Tel: +998 66 231 08 19     

